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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week eight - Online Resources

During this week, I realized how quickly  time has flown and that our course is gradually coming to an end. Hence, this week offered me a chance to reflect on the technology-related change that I started implementing and once again various tools were introduced to us, which can be used to create online and offline resources to use with our students. 
Many tools  offer the possibility to create online classrooms which are used with students. They can be used for discussions, assigning tasks, uploading and downloading files, such as assignments, extra materials, quizzes, questionnaires, etc. 
Others offer online and offline possibilities to create worksheets, exercises, crosswords, word searches and much more. 

All these resources offer possibilities to reinforce students' skills, such as critical thinking skills, language, and communicative skills; enhance student collaboration and most importantly promote learner autonomy. 

Online classrooms:

Tools to create worksheets and more:

Looking forward to exploring all the endless possiblities!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week seven - Leaner autonomy and technology-enhanced lessons

Transforming our students into autonomous learners is a continuous process which requires perpetual efforts, both from the teachers and students’ side, accompanying these with the development of various skills that contribute to learners becoming self-critical and aware of their learning, thus giving them opportunities to improve themselves.

As Dimitrios Thanasoulas, author of “What is Learner Autonomy and How Can it Be Fostered?” states in his article ( there are many attributes that characterize an autonomous learner and which have to be taken into account when fostering learner autonomy. Some of these attributes include the awareness of students towards their learning styles and strategies, being active while working on different tasks, being motivated, addressing learner’s specific needs, etc.

Technology can be used as an extremely appealing and attractive tool to provide students with limitless opportunity in becoming autonomous learners. Having started to implement the technological related change in my classroom, this week I had the chance to experience on of the most hectic, but rewarding days in school. In order to practice writing a paragraph, students used laptops writing on Microsoft Word Documents and using Edmodo to upload their files. In comparison to our typical writing lessons I noticed various differences, such as:

- The students were much more excited and motivated to work on the task, therefore, they used their time more efficiently and were very eager to work on the task;
- They were able to track their progress and autocorrect their spelling mistakes using ‘spelling and grammar’ option in Microsoft Word, thus becoming more aware of spelling rules and their writing habits;
- It was very useful for students that they had already planned the key information for their paragraph, through a graphic organizer and illustrations;
-     - Once a student was done working on their assignment they were willing to help others in writing and using the technological tools;

Even though the students need time to get acquainted with using technology for educational purposes, their motivation and interest are key factors that will drive their learning process.

Next time during our technological-enhanced lesson, the students will be working in groups and will create online invitation cards for their thematic party, which they have planned beforehand.

Feeling motivated!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week six - Implementing a technology-related change

Engaging students in learning is a crucial element in the learning process, which is achieved through the implementation of various techniques, and results in student-centered lessons, where students are active participants in the learning process and acquire the knowledge by exploring the content through numerous tasks given by the teacher who acts as a facilitator. Keeping students motivated and interested in learning is attained by varying our lessons to break the routine and surprise our students and by giving them the tools to work with, which in turn help them acquire knowledge through a natural process.

Engaging students and having active participation in the classroom shifts the attention from the teacher, which is a trait of traditional teaching, to the students who become a part of interactive learning. The development of technology has propelled and facilitates this shift by offering teachers unlimited possibilities to use it as a tool in attaining learning objectives by having students act as the main actors in this process.

This course’s week was very exciting since I got to experience the first step towards making a technology-related change. As my goal is to improve my fifth-grade students’ writing skills, I have been researching and selecting different tools to use in my classrooms. Among others, I have also selected Edmodo ( as the main platform where students will communicate with each other in English, work on different tasks and assignments and share different links with their classmates, hence become autonomous learners and better users of English.

In the last lesson for this week, my students and I created our online classrooms. After introducing briefly this website, I helped the students create their accounts and they also gave their answers in a poll that I had posted beforehand.
It was amazing to see the children’s excitement and their curiosity to start exploring this tool. Right from the beginning they kept asking questions related to the website, such as:
-          how can we upload our pictures,
-          how can we post, what can we post,
-          who can see our posts,
-          how can our parents login,
-          how can we find the code,
-          how can we win badges?

After school, I uploaded a riddle, just to see if they would react and how. From that point on the majority of them have been responding to my post and not only. Many of them have been uploading their own riddles, jokes, and links and responding to their peers’ posts. What is more, I can immediately identify areas which they are struggling with and provide my student with instant feedback, suggestions, and links with videos giving instructions on certain uses and practice through games.
I can’t wait to go back to class on Tuesday and see their reactions and hear their feedback. I think that from this point on they will be much more motivated in learning and this will give them a chance to not only become autonomous learners, but also improve their skills in English and technology as well by using it appropriately.

Until next time!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week five - Alternative Assessment and Problem Based Learning

When teaching a language the learning outcomes, that we set in each lesson, are important factors that contribute to the final results that we aim to achieve at the end of a level or course. However, when tracking the students progress, testing if they can perform a specific task or produce a simple structure is not proof enough that they are able to use those structures in real life situations. Therefore, a continuous assessment should take place when evaluating the students’ progress. As John M. Norris points out in his article “Purposeful Language Assessment: Selecting The Right Alternative Test”, language assessment is a process which uses tests or other methods of evaluation to collect data on students performance and then use those data to take action within the classroom, course, program or curriculum.

Students are much more motivated when they are given various tools to work with, when they don’t know what to expect and when they can express themselves in different forms, either through writing, role-playing, giving speeches, reading or performing well in a test. Hence, in order to keep the students motivated and interested in our lessons, we as teachers need to provide them with dynamic lessons, tasks and expectations. The expectations for each assignment can be given through the use of rubrics which are important when it comes to informing students about the criteria. RubiStar ( is a great online tool which can be used to create rubrics).

Problem Based Learning is a great tool which offers the students the possibility to work on topics that interest them, using an innovative approach in which students are required to gather, process and report information, come up with final products and are given the chance to be autonomous learners, whereas teachers act as facilitators guiding students through this process. This method engages students in collaborative learning, who in  groups, try to answer a driving question which as John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller put in their article (Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning) “should capture the heart of the project in clear, compelling language, which gives students a sense of purpose and challenge”.

As PBL requires the students to complete a series of tasks it also requires the use of rubrics to set clear expectations and the use of alternative assessment to evaluate students’ various skills and their final products.

Best of all,


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week four - More resources

This has been a very hectic week with the Problem Based Learning week in our school, various tests to check and the preparations for this week's lessons. Therefore, it was very relaxing to read the articles of our course when I was able to find the time. 
With all the activities, I feel like a need to go over the materials of this week one more time and read all the comments and thoughts that others have shared. 

I'll get back to you soon!
